Art Meets Hollywood in Boca Raton, Florida Travel News July 4, 2022 1639 Bonnie Lautenberg: Art Meets Hollywood South Florida, known for its beautiful sandy beaches, has much to offer visitors beyond the shoreline. Another great draw to the area is its reputation as an epicenter of ...
Toronto’s Summer of Amazing Musicals Travel News June 28, 2022 1774 Toronto is a great place for enjoying world-class theatre. Thanks, in large part, to Mirvish Productions, Canada's largest commercial theatre production company, the city enjoys a constant stream of plays and m...
Muir Hotel Halifax: Come for the food, stay for the hotel! A.J. Twist June 24, 2022 2195 Foodie heaven comes ashore on the Halifax harbourfront The glowing articles started hitting my desk last fall. There was this new stunning 109 room and suite hotel property in Halifax called The Muir. The accom...
A love affair with Lisbon A.J. Twist May 22, 2022 2205 Have you ever fallen in love with a city? Not fallen in love while in a city but actually fallen in love with the city? I have and her name is Lisbon! For years now, I have been hearing people rave about bot...
A.J. Twist’s Summer Vacation Tip! A.J. Twist May 16, 2022 6555 Les Jardins de Quatre-Vents Garden aficionados: Mark your calendars! Tickets for Les Jardins de Quatre -Vents go on sale May 25 at 6pm Cited as being amongst the world’s most renowned private gardens, they we...
City Cruises Gananoque – 5 iconic cruise options in the 1000 Islands LiveEvents May 7, 2022 3529 City Cruises Gananoque, the oldest and largest cruise line in the 1000 Islands, kicks off their 2022 season May 7th. With five vessels — ranging in size from 350 to 500 passengers — plying the waters and wea...
Extraordinary Antigua and Barbuda Michele Peterson April 18, 2022 3463 Escape the ordinary at this intriguing two-island nation in the Eastern Caribbean Get up close to wild stingrays at Stingray City Photo: Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority “Stingrays don’t have very go...
Gladstone House is Toronto’s contribution to the “art hotel” concept A.J. Twist April 14, 2022 1992 I was unfamiliar with the term “art hotel” until I had the recent pleasure of staying at Gladstone House in Toronto. Certainly, I was aware of this hotel’s art-focus as its cultural contribution to the city has...
The Mardi Gras is Carnival Cruise Line’s newest ship and named for the company’s first ship Peter & Beverley Kerr March 3, 2022 4349 Carnival Cruise Lines celebrates its 50th Anniversary with a flagship named after the company’s first ‘funship’ Cruise Director Mike Pack piloting The Bolt, the first roller coaster on a cruise ship The Ma...
Four Day Weekend in Nassau, Bahamas Travel News February 28, 2022 2082 Picture this, you’ve just landed in Nassau for your long weekend on the vacation you’ve been dreaming of since the first drop of snow. The sun is shining, the people are smiling, and you’re overwhelmed with vac...