Lynn MacNeil Financial-Planner

Redefining Retirement – Creating a Part II

Managing Your Money I recently congratulated long-time clients on successfully achieving “retirement”.  I put retirement in quotations marks because retirement is being redefined these days, as their situati...
Urban Beehives

Urban Beehives – Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

THE MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS WELCOMES TWO URBAN BEEHIVES 100,000 bees to make the public aware of the importance of these pollinators The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) is already buzzing with crea...
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – until September 9, MAC

Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MAC) presents Rafael Lozano-Hemmer The MAC is hosting the largest-ever solo show in Canada or the United States by Montreal-based and internationally-acclaimed artist Raf...
Alone Together

Alone Together – until August 26, MAC

Alone Together Pictures for an Exhibition In this new instalment of Pictures for an Exhibition, four Canadian artists belonging to the same generation are brought together around a simple yet complex phrase...