Denburk Reid – powering Montreal Community Cares, Red Rush and Lady Rush basketball programs Peter Kerr January 16, 2024 4233 With a hard-earned university education in Marketing and Business Administration from McGill and a Master’s from Concordia, Denburk Reid’s subsequent employment history would further develop the skills he would...
Fight, flight or foresight Guy Rex Rodgers December 14, 2023 1471 What We Choose To Remember We are living in times of division, frustration, resentment and hostility. Friendships can be damaged by a misplaced word, destroyed by a misinterpreted comment. The automatic physio...
Tony Loffreda – Senator, banker extraordinaire, philanthropist and… soccer coach! The Montrealer December 6, 2022 4488 After achieving a remarkable success with RBC, Senator Tony Loffreda now brings his customary exuberance, analytical thinking and fiscal knowledge to his role in the Canadian Senate. Tony is justifiably proud o...
Knowledge translation: Why art can be a meaningful tool to communicate deep science Kate Shingler May 13, 2022 2288 Brain Canada and the Convergence Initiative co-sponsor exhibition of artwork to explore the intersection of the arts, neuroscience and society The installation “Unwoven” represents the exploration of the assi...
Elias Makos – brings his love for radio broadcasting and current events to CJAD, Montreal’s top-rated am station Peter Kerr May 9, 2022 3945 “I’ve always wanted to do exactly what I’m doing – to be a radio host on CJAD” It was near the beginning of our conversation that Elias Makos made it abundantly clear that his dream job is the one he holds a...
Donor-Advised Funds simplify the process of giving and provide immediate tax benefits The Montrealer January 17, 2022 2435 The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal (JCF) encourages charitable giving by making it easy, efficient, and tax smart. Humble Beginnings Since being founded in 1971 by Arthur Pascal and a group of leader...
Thomas Mulcair – from a life in politics to a new career as a political commentator and university professor Peter Kerr March 8, 2021 6846 After decades of public service as a Member of Quebec’s National Assembly and then as a Federal Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, Thomas Mulcair has successfully launched a new career as a political...
Women lead as John Molson School of Business celebrates 20th anniversary Peter Diekmeyer December 12, 2020 2563 Much of women’s growing success in leadership roles stems from ground up work at educational establishments like Concordia University When Anne-Marie Croteau agreed to serve as the first female Dean at Concord...
Graham Carr – President and Vice-Chancellor of Concordia University Peter Kerr August 20, 2020 2636 A lifetime commitment to higher education and student development “I came here on a ten month contract thirty-five years ago and never left!” Such is Graham Carr’s deep-seated affection for the university that...
Banff Mountain Film Festival – February 7-8, 2020 LiveEvents February 1, 2020 1764 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour in Quebec For four decades now, the directors of the world’s best adventure films have gathered in the heart of Banff National Park, submitting the filmed records of th...