Celebrating the Beaver Hall Group exhibition Linda Renaud February 23, 2016 9072 Who knew that a discussion on how this exhibition, which recently completed an exceptional three-month run at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, would come to be as well received as the exhibit itself? Both a...
Nuit Blanche – February 27 to 28 LiveEvents February 21, 2016 4372 Nuit Blanche Saturday, February 27 to Sunday, February 28 The Nuit blanche à Montréal is one of our greatest winter pleasures—and no wonder! In one extravagant dream of a night, fans can participate in over...
Terry Mosher – aka Aislin Peter Kerr February 14, 2016 11828 Breaking new ground with digital graphics and social media, Aislin is also preparing for a 2017 McCord Museum retrospective of his 50 years of cartooning Most Montrealers know Terry Mosher by his nom de plume ...
A full calendar of activities for the Friends of the Mount Royal Cemetery in 2016 The Montrealer February 1, 2016 6133 The Friends of the Mount Royal Cemetery is a charitable entity which was formed in 1998 to help preserve and promote the tremendous natural and historical treasure that the Mount Royal Cemetery has become since...
The Beaver Hall Group – a unique women’s art club Dorota Kozinska December 21, 2015 10682 The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts exhibition features some of the group’s finest paintings In the visual stimulation that is the world of contemporary art, the works of the Beaver Hall group at the Montreal Mus...
Kittie Bruneau: Fire Walker Dorota Kozinska December 2, 2015 7626 The Han Gallery in Westmount presents a Kittie Bruneau mini retrospective Fearless. In a world of contemporary art permeated with new media and technology, Kittie Bruneau is a true phenomenon. Unencumbered by...
Vittorio at The McCord: an artist’s fifty-year reflection of Montreal Peter Kerr October 30, 2015 7564 Montreal has a well-deserved reputation as a centre of cultural activity; with two symphony orchestras, the world’s largest jazz festival, Canada’s most successful Art Museum, and North America’s most important...
Celebrating 20 Years of making The Montrealer! Peter Kerr October 21, 2015 6478 Well – look at us now! It’s an important achievement to have been in business for 20+ years. I’m going to give you a short history of the publishing experience that preceded The Montrealer, and then fast-forwar...
The Women’s Art Society of Montreal Meet & Greet & Exhibit – October 6 LiveEvents September 30, 2015 4635 Meet & Greet & Exhibit The Women's Art Society of Montreal welcomes members and friends to its annual Meet & Greet & Exhibit at 2700 Rufus Rockhead, beside Atwater Market on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2...
La Tournée des 20 – art tour and studio visit Linda Hobley September 25, 2015 5711 Myriam, La Factrie, Dunham Eastern Townships artists and artisans open their studios for four weekends from September 19 to October 12 in Bedford, Stanbridge East, Dunham, Frelighsburg, St-Armand, Mystic ...