Harlem Globetrotters

Harlem Globetrotters – April 10, Bell Centre

The Harlem Globetrotters began in 1926 as the Savoy Big Five. Now more than 85 years and 20,000 games later, the team has become one of the most recognizable franchises in sports. Here’s your chance to see t...
Brit Floyd

Brit Floyd – April 7, Bell Centre

Space and Time World Tour THE GLOBAL SPECTACULAR … OVER ONE MILLION TICKETS SOLD WORLDWIDE! An amazing journey through five decades of Pink Floyd Brit Floyd - The World's Greatest Pink Floyd Show, return...
Mike the Knight

Mike the Knight – April 4, Theatre St-Denis

Mike the Knight in the Great Scavenger Hunt! The Glendragon Scavenger Hunt is on and the stakes are high; Mike is determined to discover the most knightly way to tackle this chivalrous quest. With a little...