Beyond Ken Dryden – June 6-16, 2024 LiveEvents May 28, 2024 939 Beyond Ken Dryden A new play by Oren Safdie Directed by Padraic Lillis Performed by Max Katz “I can hear people through the walls of the apartment next door screaming with joy, horns honking in the streets 20 ...
The annual Sports Celebrity Breakfast raises an impressive $300,000 for the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors Foundation Peter Kerr July 20, 2022 2215 Montreal Faces The always popular Sports Celebrity Breakfast recently took place at Jardin Royalmount with a sold-out attendance. It’s a wonderful opportunity for sports fans to meet legendary athletes such as...
Serge Savard – Forever Canadien is a fine biography Peter Kerr November 13, 2020 4580 Author Philippe Cantin chronicles Serge Savard’s rise to the pinnacle of hockey, his business interests, love of family and his integrity Serge Savard Forever Canadien is a great read; full of hockey stories ...
Celebrate Youppi! – June 14, 2020 at 1:00pm LiveEvents June 11, 2020 1490 Youppi! Mascot Hall of Fame • 2020 Virtual Induction Ceremony Tune in from home June 14 at 1PM (EST) The National Mascot Hall of Fame (MHOF) in Whiting, Indiana is excited to announce the first-ever Virtual In...
Rise Together LiveEvents May 6, 2020 4165 The Montreal Canadiens, in collaboration with the Laval Rocket, evenko and L'Équipe Spectra, have launched the Rise Together initiative, a fundraiser to support frontline healthcare workers and those impacted b...
P.K. Subban – this gifted hockey player makes the largest charitable donation by a professional athlete Peter Kerr March 12, 2016 9470 P.K. Subban’s $10 million donation is largest by a professional athlete in Canada The child whose loving father helped him into his first pair of skates before he was even three years old would grow up to...
Mathieu Darche – from the NHL to the corporate world The Montrealer October 26, 2014 12004 The Montreal native realized his boyhood dream of playing for The Montreal Canadiens. Armed with a marketing and management degree from McGill; Mathieu Darche is bringing that same determination to a new career...
PJ Stock – from the West Island to the NHL and Hockey Night In Canada The Montrealer October 28, 2013 10077 PJ Stock has made the transition from player to television broadcasting. Only 660 players make it to the NHL each year; and only a handful make it to television “In a way – the decision to retire because o...