Pharma Benefits More Obvious Than Ever Miguel Ouellette: Economist and Director of Operations - Montreal Economic Institute June 5, 2021 1571 For some people, no good deed deserves to be rewarded—at least not by making a profit, which they treat as if it were a dirty word. Even saving millions of lives, as pharmaceutical companies have undoubtedly do...
Let’s not hobble entrepreneurs just when we need them most Miguel Ouellette: Economist and Director of Operations - Montreal Economic Institute April 13, 2021 1479 Many people have a natural tendency to turn to government when a crisis strikes, and the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly been no exception. But while governments have had their role to play, entrepreneurs have ...
Michel Kelly-Gagnon has moulded the Montreal Economic Institute into a world-class think tank Peter Kerr March 16, 2018 4104 The Montreal Economic Institute will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary on October, and it is largely due to the leadership of President Michel Kelly-Gagnon. He’s a larger-than-life personality, brilliant, cha...