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Managing Your Money, December 2012

2013 New Year’s Resolutions to get Healthier & Wealthier At the end of this month, millions of North Americans will be making New Year’s resolutions. Two of the top resolutions made are to get healthier &a...
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Managing Your Money

Tax Savings for Professionals – When Does Professional Incorporation make sense? Q: I have been practicing as a lawyer for the past ten years. As my income has increased, so have my taxes. I'm considering wa...

It’s Happening Right Now

Montreal-area entrepreneurs use wireless video technology to bring families and business executives together when travel is not possible Tim Taylor and his business partner have identified a market niche for i...
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Planning for “The Plan”

Q: I have been saving & investing for years. I have an investment advisor, an accountant, and an insurance agent. But up until now, I don’t have a financial plan. I never really thought much about it, but rece...
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The best way to “play it safe”

Q: I’m trying hard to be disciplined and build my savings, but I’m feeling insecure with the fluctuations in my investments over the past few years. I’m considering moving most of my investments to GICs & b...