Winter Serenade – December 12, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents December 4, 2018 1758 NEW YORK POLYPHONY – WINTER SERENADE In a return performance at Bourgie Hall, this New York vocal quartet serves up an antidote to the holiday frenzy. With a program of old and new, of French and American Noels, the ensemble explores the different shades of Christmas. Artists NEW YORK POLYPHONY Geoffrey Williams, countertenor Steven Caldicott Wilson, tenor Christopher Dylan Herbert, baritone Craig Phillips, bass Wednesday, December 12th 2018 at 7:30pm Duration: 1 Hrs 30 Min For tickets and information: 514-285-2000 Subscribe to the series by phone: 514-285-2000, option 4, or 1-800-899-6873 Every day from 9 am to 5pm or in person at the ticket booth of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.