Birth of Three Lynx Kittens at the Biodôme LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1762 Espace pour la vie is delighted to announce the birth of three lynx kittens at the Montreal Biodôme on May 1st. The kittens and their mother are doing well. Since the birth, the young lynxes have been very live...
Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault – Transfiguration LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1386 Bourgie Hall presents Transfiguration with Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault Transfiguration, starring harpist Valérie Milot and cellist Stéphane Tétreault, is a total concert experience in which its arti...
Mike’s story: How antimicrobial resistance is threatening modern medicine Tara Simonetta Mann May 16, 2022 1465 Mike Griffiths has struggled with his health for his entire life. At the age of 24, he received his first kidney transplant. The surgery was a big step toward better health, but it was not without challenges. ...
Brahms and Nielsen at the Maison Symphonqiue LiveEvents May 16, 2022 1230 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Brahms and Nielsen: Vigour, Virtuosity, Vitality Juraj Valčuha’s previous performances with the OSM turned into momentous concerts. This Slovenian conductor re...
Can we solve the challenge of homelessness? Sam Watts May 15, 2022 1639 Think Philanthropically I am frequently asked to explain why people who find themselves experiencing homelessness often remain homeless for extended periods of time. Why does the challenge of chronic homel...
The Great Gardening Weekend LiveEvents May 15, 2022 1783 The Garden as a Meeting Place 25th Edition of the Great Gardening Weekend at the Jardin Botanique Every spring, we have a deep-seated need to reconnect with nature—this year more than ever. Espace pour la vie...
Engelbert Humperdinck returns to Place des Arts, May 22 Peter Kerr May 14, 2022 1689 I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Engelbert a few times, and he is one happy singer to be back on the road touring; doing what he loves best – singing and entertaining audiences. Our friend Rubin Fogel has...
Rufus Wainwright – Unfollow The Rules Tour LiveEvents May 14, 2022 1195 evenko presents Rufus Wainwright Unfollow The Rules Tour Known for his incredibly engaging live performances, Rufus returns to the stage with a brand new band for the tour: LA musician Brian Green (John Le...
Jann Arden – May 20, 2022 LiveEvents May 13, 2022 1369 Jann Arden is a multi-platinum, award-winning singer, songwriter, actor and author. Arden has released 15 albums with 19 top ten singles. Her hit songs include “Could I Be Your Girl,” “I Would Die For You,” and...
Knowledge translation: Why art can be a meaningful tool to communicate deep science Kate Shingler May 13, 2022 2292 Brain Canada and the Convergence Initiative co-sponsor exhibition of artwork to explore the intersection of the arts, neuroscience and society The installation “Unwoven” represents the exploration of the assi...