May He Rise and Smell the Fragrance – May 25-27, Cinquième salle LiveEvents May 18, 2019 1234 Festival TransAmériques presents May He Rise and Smell the Fragrance A priestess keens her grief. Her voice scrapes the soul. Three men emerge from the bowels of the earth. The Lebanese choreographer Ali C...
Festival TransAmériques – May 22 to June 4, 2019 LiveEvents May 16, 2019 1350 Step beyond the self 23 dance and theatre shows On the occasion of the 13th edition of Festival TransAmériques, a refreshing gust of wind will ruffle complacent feathers, calling into question a world that no...
6 & 9 – Tao Ye – May 23-25, Théâtre Jean-Duceppe LiveEvents May 17, 2018 2225 6 & 9 - Tao Ye Festival TransAmériques 2018 Opening Show Masterpieces of abstract beauty, a tribute to the potential and perseverance of the human body, these two pieces dazzle with their minimalism and...
Antoine et Cléopâtre – May 27-29, Cinquième Salle LiveEvents May 21, 2017 2549 Festival TransAmériques presents Antoine et Cléopâtre In French An ancient tale of fervour and fire, of ever passionate love. A theatrical act of frenzied feeling that illuminates the ultimate myth. Mon...