MUHC Foundation Volunteer Rosa Shields Unites Montreal’s Transplant Community at Celebration of Life Event Kristina Anastasopoulos September 30, 2018 3442 Selfless – the act of being concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. Selfless people do not need any recognition, they have an inherent and insatiable need to make a difference in...
Gabrielle Pilot to exhibit at Victoria Hall, September 27 – October 26 Peter Kerr September 29, 2018 3558 Gabrielle Pilot’s family led a nomadic life during her childhood and early adolescence; following her father’s career path in international banking. “We would fly, and my mother and we children would follow by ...
Pembroke Management celebrates its 50th Anniversary Peter Kerr September 27, 2018 4154 Innovation, Insight and Growth since 1968 In 1968, a group of four Montrealers with expertise in the financial services sector established a company to manage the assets of several U.K. based institutional inv...
Paris on Display – until March 24, 2019, Stewart Museum LiveEvents September 15, 2018 2279 PARIS ON DISPLAY: 18TH-CENTURY BOUTIQUES AN ENCHANTING GETAWAY TO THE FRENCH CAPITAL Nothing in the world is more worthy of seeing and knowing than the rare beauties of Paris. – Georges Louis Le Rouge, Les C...
World Press Photo – until September 30, 2018, Bonsecours Market LiveEvents September 5, 2018 2901 Montreal’s World Press Photo Exhibition The 13th edition of Montreal’s World Press Photo will takes place the Bonsecours Market (Old Montreal). With a record 55,000 visitors in 2017, this year's iconic Mont...
Motion – Emotion – until November 11, 2018, MMFA LiveEvents August 22, 2018 2659 JEAN-MICHEL OTHONIEL MOTION – EMOTION The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) presents Motion – Emotion, an emotionally evocative exhibition themed on the violence of the elements. This will be the first-ever...
Structure vs Freedom: Understanding what works best for you Lynn MacNeil August 21, 2018 2320 Managing Your Money I got my first credit card at 15 years old, and it wasn’t “Daddy” who was planning to pay the bills (though he did cosign for me to get the card). As he was helping me to fill out the fo...
Here We Are Here: Black Canadian Contemporary Art – until September 16, 2018 LiveEvents August 20, 2018 4350 HERE WE ARE HERE: BLACK CANADIAN CONTEMPORARY ART The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) invites a reflection on cultural diversity through the exhibition Here We Are Here: Black Canadian Contemporary Art, pr...
Old Montreal gets set for Pointe-À-Callière Museum’s annual ‘Public Market’, August 25 & 26 P.A. Sévigny August 19, 2018 3697 As ever, the city’s late-summer fair was always a festive occasion dating back to the times when Ville-Marie was little more than a tiny colony on the edge of the seventeenth century’s French empire. Loyal to b...
Want legal justice – then don’t assault your perpetrator linda.hammerschmid August 17, 2018 2370 Ask the Hammer Our Supreme Court made new law recently by factoring into criminal sentencing vigilante justice when it is rained down on an alleged perpetrator. The Supreme Court concluded that the beatin...