Roots of Strings

Roots of strings at Salle Claude-Léveillée

Festival du Monde Arabe presents Roots of Strings Unparalleled oud player and natural-born musical traveler, Nazih Borish explores new artistic paths in the company of Roberto Occhipinti and Joseph Khoury. Ro...
Tell me about Palestine - Ghada Derbas

Tell me about Palestine – November 7, 2021

Festival du Monde Arabe presents Tell me about Palestine “My country is a suitcase,” says a verse by Mahmoud Darwish, a poet born in the turmoil of exile, whose entire work is haunted by the quest for a lost ...
Moneka Arabic Jazz

Moneka Arabic Jazz – November 6, 2021

Festival du Monde Arabe presents Moneka Arabic Jazz A show devised as a self-portrait, like a mirror on his own life, is the artistic path that Ahmed Moneka decided to take with Moneka Arabic Jazz. From Baghd...
Footsteps of Rumi

In the Footsteps of Rumi

In the footsteps of Rumi - Constantinople & Ghalia Benali Following in the footsteps of Rumi was a journey marked by remarkable encounters. First, eight centuries ago, there was the meeting in Damascus bet...
Ranine Chaar performs Beirut, my star

Ranine Chaar performs Beirut, my star

Festival du Monde Arabe presents Beirut, my star In a resplendent show, the sublime Lebanese singer Ranine Chaar invites you to a celebration of Beirut. She will perform masterpieces by the greatest artists w...
Luc Beauséjour: The Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall

Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall

Bourgie Hall presents Luc Beauséjour: The Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall Luc Beauséjour performs works by Bach, Couperin and Mozart on five different keyboard instruments from the Bourgie Hal...