Grand PoutineFest

Grand PoutineFest visits the Old Port

The Grand PoutineFest visits the Old Port of Montreal for 19 days of entertainment and truly delicious food. A festive, gourmet gathering which offers a portion of its earnings to Opération Enfant Soleil The e...
YATAI MTL - Japan Week 2022

YATAI MTL – Japan Week 2022

Japan Week - June 6 to 12, 2022For an entire week, Montrealers will be able to enjoy Japanese street food and discover Japanese products along a route of restaurants and stores located in different neighborhood...
Lisbon sunset watching

A love affair with Lisbon

Have you ever fallen in love with a city? Not fallen in love while in a city but actually fallen in love with the city? I have and her name is Lisbon! For years now, I have been hearing people rave about bot...