Covid-19: How community groups saved Montreal from collapse L'honorable André Pratte April 15, 2023 1513 My View of Our Montreal All over Canada, community groups play an essential role in helping vulnerable Canadians survive despite the difficult circumstances they face. The fight against Covid-19 demonstrated on...
MI4, Montreal’s powerhouse of infectious disease research, celebrates 5th anniversary Tara Simonetta Mann April 12, 2023 1912 Infectious diseases pose a real and dire threat to our world. One only need look at the past three years to understand the toll a single, microscopic virus can take. For millennia, viruses, bacteria and other m...
Montreal businessman Scott Jones champions respiratory care in memory of his brother Tara Simonetta Mann January 16, 2023 3139 Scott Jones’ life has been shaped by loss. The Nova Steel executive’s mother, Gail, passed away from breast cancer when he was just 16-years-old. About 10 years later, his brother, Christopher, was struggling w...
Healthcare administrators lighten the mood while fundraising Don Sancton November 15, 2022 3588 Third year of pandemic-inspired fundraising effort by CIUSSS West-Central Montreal leaders aims to be the biggest yet, with funds going to the health and well-being of JGH and CIUSSS employees In past years, we...
Jess and Mark Pathy Centre of Excellence in Infectious Diseases at the JGH tackles leading medical challenges of our age Don Sancton September 9, 2022 3008 ‘We all now know the power of infectious diseases,’ says Division Chief Dr. Karl Weiss In the years before Dr. Karl Weiss started medical school in 1984, society was less concerned about infectious diseases as ...
The lifesaving power of the ICU Tara Simonetta Mann June 7, 2022 3223 Two years ago, Dr. Howard Goldstein’s life fell apart. He was reading the newspaper on a Sunday morning when it happened: a crushing pain in his chest. Realizing something was seriously wrong, he called his wi...
“It’s been a wonderful ride.” – Harvey Levenson Sarah Fletcher May 8, 2022 3737 The Chair of the Board of the JGH Foundation reflects on a lifetime of philanthropy Harvey Levenson’s commitment to philanthropy dates to the time he was a McGill student in the early 1960s. Back then, he serv...
Social workers personalize the health care journey Tara Simonetta Mann January 22, 2022 1681 The stress and anxiety of illness can turn a person’s world upside down. From tests and procedures to waiting for results and wondering what comes next, the journey that lies ahead can be daunting. Helene Jones...
Leading nurses in a pandemic: a Q&A with Lucie Tremblay Sarah Fletcher December 8, 2021 3901 For Lucie Tremblay, Director of Nursing for CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, staying connected to patients and staff is paramount, no matter the role she is in. Since her start in the nursing field in 1984, she ha...
Dr. Donald Vinh – Montreal physician and world-renowned researcher contributes to the fight against COVID-19 Peter Kerr December 1, 2021 7399 Dr. Donald Vinh is a talented medical researcher and practicing physician who is recognized as one of North America’s leading epidemiologists. In 2020 Dr. Vinh was the Canadian lead researcher who identified a ...