Deville Dinerbar adapts to the new normal with curbside pickup mikecohen October 20, 2020 3294 MtlRestoRap After months of hunkering down and planning out their steps, The Tzemopoulos family finally pushed the play button on the reopening of their trendy downtown Stanley Street Deville Dinerbar (www....
Trottier Family Foundation gift empowers Montreal’s most affected communities to fight COVID Tara Simonetta Mann September 21, 2020 3702 We are not all equal in the eyes of the virus. This is a realization that has come to the forefront over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the virus does not discriminate, systemic issues disadva...
A made-in-Montreal solution to COVID-19 Tara Simonetta Mann August 21, 2020 9422 A key to controlling COVID-19 is testing Editor’s Note: When this article was originally posted, one of the photo captions contained a serious error. Dr. Susanne Bechstedt and Dr. Maureen McKeague were not cor...
COVID-19 – Worldwide Pandemic! Economic Crisis! Hmmm…Why not buy a boat? RV? Lynn MacNeil August 11, 2020 1838 Managing Your Money After what was one of the worst stock market crashes in history, we’ve now seen one of the most amazing recoveries, with the US and Canadian markets down only -3.1% and -7.5% respectively...
Caring for the Caregiver at the Cummings Centre takes on a new perspective The Montrealer August 4, 2020 2553 With the current situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), the role of caregivers has grown exponentially. The Cummings Centre, a non-profit, multicultural community centre serving Montreal’s 50+ popula...
Montreal investment firm steps up to feed health care heroes The Montrealer June 28, 2020 2718 Employees at Jarislowsky Fraser fundraised to treat 500 essential hospital workers to a warm meal A group of employees at the Montreal-based firm Jarislowsky Fraser came together online to raise funds to suppo...
Alleviating parents’ fears over Emergency Room visits LiveEvents June 4, 2020 3398 Alleviating parents’ fears over Emergency Room visits amid COVID-19: Showcasing the transformation of the Children’s Emergency Department Green Zone Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, fear should never be a barri...
How to calm your anxiety amidst the outdoor grocery store line and prison-like home sentence Jeboah Miranda May 27, 2020 2569 First of all, let’s just admit that this situation…well…kinda… just sucks. There, we said it. Now that we got that out of the way, we can talk about our reality, the new one where we stand outside of our grocer...
Cummings Centre puts in place measures during current pandemic The Montrealer May 12, 2020 2676 With its spring programs about to launch, the Cummings Centre, a non-profit, multicultural community centre serving Montreal’s 50+ population, had to quickly adjust its programming and put in place several meas...
Rise Together LiveEvents May 6, 2020 4160 The Montreal Canadiens, in collaboration with the Laval Rocket, evenko and L'Équipe Spectra, have launched the Rise Together initiative, a fundraiser to support frontline healthcare workers and those impacted b...