Montreal Ukrainian Festival – September 10, 2022 LiveEvents September 3, 2022 2251 Montreal Ukrainian Festival Celebrating Ukrainian culture and heritage The Montreal Ukrainian Festival returns live for its biggest-ever event to celebrate the beauty of the Ukrainian culture, heritage and resi...
The challenges of leadership in the non-profit sector Sam Watts August 17, 2022 1604 Think Philanthropically “People are yearning to be asked to use the full measure of their potential for something they care about.” - Dan Pallotta The quote by Dan Pallotta hints at an aspirational idea that ou...
Improving the quality of life of MUHC cancer patients for nearly 40 years, one patient at the time Atie Waxman and Michèle Laforest August 10, 2022 1797 Cedars CanSupport provides free bilingual emotional, physical and educational support to patients and their families, as a complement to traditional medical treatment “Until Cedars CanSupport services are offer...
Centaur Theatre’s Montreal Under The Stars fundraiser The Montrealer July 22, 2022 1942 There was nary a cloud in the sky on the sun-kissed evening of June 8th, as Centaur Theatre and its Board of Directors hosted MONTREAL UNDER THE STARS, an intimate fundraising soirée in celebration of the retur...
Have fun – volunteer in the community Sam Watts June 12, 2022 1564 Years ago, a work colleague of mine consistently refused to participate in any benevolent activities that our company initiated. He would say, “I am looking out for #1”! Sadly, this is not a totally uncommon pe...
Can we solve the challenge of homelessness? Sam Watts May 15, 2022 1639 Think Philanthropically I am frequently asked to explain why people who find themselves experiencing homelessness often remain homeless for extended periods of time. Why does the challenge of chronic homel...
“It’s been a wonderful ride.” – Harvey Levenson Sarah Fletcher May 8, 2022 3670 The Chair of the Board of the JGH Foundation reflects on a lifetime of philanthropy Harvey Levenson’s commitment to philanthropy dates to the time he was a McGill student in the early 1960s. Back then, he serv...
Help Now – But Let’s Help Later Too Sam Watts April 15, 2022 2505 Think Philanthropically The invasion of Ukraine, the destruction of many of its residential areas, and the displacement of million of its citizens raises a number of very important questions around our North...
Geoff, Judy and Greg Kelley – a family history of community and political involvement Peter Kerr April 12, 2022 4159 Geoffrey Kelley served the West Island riding of Jacques-Cartier as a Liberal MNA (Member of the National Assembly) from 1994 through to 2018. Prior to being elected, Geoff served as a political aide to the Min...
Brian Bronfman’s Peace Network for Social Harmony to host Forum on Diversity and Inclusion, April 21 & 22 Peter Kerr March 28, 2022 3176 Creating a society based on justice, equity and inclusion requires collaborative action Brian Bronfman has worked tirelessly to initiate, enhance and foster growth of the Peace Network for Social Harmony since...