
Confabulation – May 11, Centaur Theatre

Confabulation MTL Presents: Get It Together Curated & Hosted by Matt Goldberg These are beautiful/sad/funny stories about the journey AND the destination. As we contemplate close to a decade of exist...
Blind Date

Blind Date – April 9 to May 5 Centaur Theatre

A Spontaneous Theatre creation Blind Date by Rebecca Northan There’s nothing like the thrill of a first date… anything can happen! You’ll experience all the exhilaration and excitement of new love as, e...

Twenty-Seven – March 23-31, Centaur Theatre

Atelier Lyrique – Opéra de Montréal presents Twenty-Seven In their Parisian salon at 27 rue de Fleurus, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas welcome the greatest artists of the era: Hemingway, Picasso, Matiss...