Au but with Aubut linda.hammerschmid February 21, 2016 4856 Inaction by the Canadian Olympic Committee requires an explanation If you had the privilege of watching the TV series Lie to Me, particularly Season 1, Episodes 1 to 6, then you may recognize some of the visua...
KANPE’s Mission in Haiti: Progress Report Isabelle Thibault February 18, 2016 5603 Story and Photos by Isabelle Thibault, Executive Director, KANPE Foundation Fritz Louis, KANPE’s Field Coordinator in Haiti. Navigating Haiti’s Central Plateau, a deforested region. ...
Stock Market: Is current stock market pessimism warranted? Lynn MacNeil February 16, 2016 5158 Managing Your Money Stock Market: Is current stock market pessimism warranted? We've had a pretty wild ride in the stock market over the past six months. I won't go into all the reasons, as we've been hearing...
St. George’s School hosts Canada’s first World Scholar’s Cup Peter Kerr February 12, 2016 7998 The World Scholar’s Cup is a unique intellectual competition that is based on the concept of team co-operation that brings students from around the world to participate and compete. Conceived and run by Daniel ...
A full calendar of activities for the Friends of the Mount Royal Cemetery in 2016 The Montrealer February 1, 2016 6128 The Friends of the Mount Royal Cemetery is a charitable entity which was formed in 1998 to help preserve and promote the tremendous natural and historical treasure that the Mount Royal Cemetery has become since...
Why your relationship may be the biggest obstacle to financial success Lynn MacNeil January 31, 2016 6091 The New Year usually comes with many good intentions of eating better, exercising more, or getting on top of your finances. This doesn't necessarily mean that you're not already doing well, but maybe you think ...
Triage in the wild linda.hammerschmid January 30, 2016 5567 ASK THE HAMMER Don’t you love it when “experts” and “politicians” decide to play Gods? As if deciding which species should be saved at the expense of others is a Godly Act. There is only one species on ...
A great finish for a terrific year in Real Estate! Philip Clement January 28, 2016 8188 Dear Montrealers, What a great end to terrific year in Real Estate! Not only did all my primary markets outperform previous years in number of sales and average selling prices. But on a personal level, I als...
Investigating Agatha Christie at Pointe-à-Callière until April 17 Julie Kalan January 17, 2016 7311 Agatha Christie, “The Queen of Crime,” wrote 66 mysteries, 6 novels under the pen name Mary Westmacott, 150 short stories, 18 plays and 2 memoirs. Her work has been translated into over 100 languages and sold o...
Dominique Anglade – newly elected Liberal MNA has a record of success in business and social activism Peter Kerr December 29, 2015 12225 After having achieved success as an executive with Proctor & Gamble, Nortel and McKinsey & Company, and as President of Montreal International; Dominique Anglade is now embarking on a new challenge as t...