Adam Pendleton: These Things We’ve Done Together LiveEvents May 20, 2022 1866 The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents ADAM PENDLETON: THESE THINGS WE’VE DONE TOGETHER For the first time in Canada, the New York artist presents his work in a solo exhibition Following his critically ...
Birth of Three Lynx Kittens at the Biodôme LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1768 Espace pour la vie is delighted to announce the birth of three lynx kittens at the Montreal Biodôme on May 1st. The kittens and their mother are doing well. Since the birth, the young lynxes have been very live...
Mike’s story: How antimicrobial resistance is threatening modern medicine Tara Simonetta Mann May 16, 2022 1476 Mike Griffiths has struggled with his health for his entire life. At the age of 24, he received his first kidney transplant. The surgery was a big step toward better health, but it was not without challenges. ...
Can we solve the challenge of homelessness? Sam Watts May 15, 2022 1660 Think Philanthropically I am frequently asked to explain why people who find themselves experiencing homelessness often remain homeless for extended periods of time. Why does the challenge of chronic homel...
Knowledge translation: Why art can be a meaningful tool to communicate deep science Kate Shingler May 13, 2022 2303 Brain Canada and the Convergence Initiative co-sponsor exhibition of artwork to explore the intersection of the arts, neuroscience and society The installation “Unwoven” represents the exploration of the assi...
New agreement enables the creation of a Curator of Indigenous Art position at the MMFA LiveEvents May 10, 2022 2489 The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) Foundation is pleased to announce a new sponsorship with Scotiabank, in association with Jarislowsky Fraser. This commitment from Scotiabank and Jarislowsky Fraser of $1...
“It’s been a wonderful ride.” – Harvey Levenson Sarah Fletcher May 8, 2022 3704 The Chair of the Board of the JGH Foundation reflects on a lifetime of philanthropy Harvey Levenson’s commitment to philanthropy dates to the time he was a McGill student in the early 1960s. Back then, he serv...
Have you ever considered the “What ifs…..?” Lynn MacNeil April 27, 2022 1476 Managing Your Money You’ve worked hard, saved diligently, and imagined a retirement of leisure – maybe on the golf course or sailing the high seas. Maybe you’re already there or maybe you can see the target ...
The Royal Conservatory to Gift More than 400,000 Books to Music Teachers LiveEvents April 25, 2022 1638 The Royal Conservatory to Gift More than 400,000 Books to 20,000 Music Teachers in Canada and the US The Celebration Series®, Sixth Edition will be released April 27, 2022 The Royal Conservatory of Music (R...
Mike’s Resto Notes: Big Food Bucket List is a must watch mikecohen April 21, 2022 2837 If you like restaurants, then Food Network Canada’s Big Food Bucket List now airing on Saturday evenings from 8 pm to 9 pm is a must watch. Host John Catucci (You Gotta Eat Here!) is back to take viewers on ...