Trump voters

Who are the Trump voters?

That’s My View Peter Blaikie From the moment he walked down the escalator in Trump Tower, with Melania by his side, it seemed inconceivable to me that the Americans would be so self-destructive as to ele...
Peter Blaikie

Weakening Democracy in the full light of day

The Washington Post uses the slogan Democracy Dies in Darkness. Given the fact that, in many of the world’s most democratic countries, and to varying degrees, democracy is in retreat, a more appropriate slogan ...
Peter Blaikie

Are the Democrats ready to win in 2020?

That’s My View Karl Rove, the Republican strategist and Svengali, who master-minded the two presidential victories of George W. Bush, once stated, “To win in politics, you must successfully attack your oppon...
Trump 2020

Donald Trump in 2020 – Are you crazy?

Most rational observers of the political scene in the United States could be forgiven for suggesting there is no chance of Donald Trump being re-elected President in 2020. After all, and to use some of the word...
Linda Hammerschmid

Systemic Legal Racism

Ask the Hammer Recently the issue of racism in legal circles was taken up by the Legal Profession’s regulatory body in Ontario.  Moreover, the Law Society of Upper Canada is set to examine measures that wo...