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Making a move

Sometimes you just have to pause…and reconsider a relationship. Studies show that about 10% of investors are preparing to switch financial advisors or firms in the next year. It’s a big move, especially if t...
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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth

A client recently remarked that “every column on investing inevitably makes me feel bad, that I’m missing something. Why is that? The writer shares some knowledge and wisdom that I’m advised to remember and put...
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Where to go when the going gets rough

(This article discusses financial issues and uses fictitious names of people for illustrative purposes.) Many of the approximately 10 million Canadian baby boomers born between the years of 1947-1966 can r...
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Less risk may mean higher returns

(This article discusses financial issues and uses fictitious names of people for illustrative purposes.) It’s the weekend and Steve and Rhonda Baker are sitting down to a late breakfast with their son, Adam....