Is Your Money Safe in Cyber-Space? Lynn MacNeil September 11, 2016 5384 Managing Your Money Is Your Money Safe in Cyber-Space? Almost 90% of Canadian households are connected to the internet¹. Over the past few decades, the internet has grown from a simple communication tool, to ...
Retirement: and the “gap” that you may not realize exists Lynn MacNeil August 21, 2016 5033 Managing Your Money Retirement: and the "gap" that you may not realize exists Most people think of a retirement plan as "How much do I need to save for retirement". But it can be much more than that if proper...
Jimmy Wales – April 11, Centre Pierre-Péladeau LiveEvents April 3, 2016 4706 The Bell International Leaders series receives inspiring, internationally recognized personalities from every field whose vision and achievements have changed the world. A conversation with Jimmy Wales, fo...
Managing Your Money – The Importance of Giving Lynn MacNeil March 21, 2016 5469 Managing Your Money The Importance of Giving A wide range of research supports the fact that giving makes us feel happier and enjoy better health. In fact, a 2008 study* by a Harvard Business School professor...
Stock Market: Is current stock market pessimism warranted? Lynn MacNeil February 16, 2016 5126 Managing Your Money Stock Market: Is current stock market pessimism warranted? We've had a pretty wild ride in the stock market over the past six months. I won't go into all the reasons, as we've been hearing...
TFSA Limit Increased to $10,000 – Does anyone really care? Lynn MacNeil July 31, 2015 6510 Managing Your Money For 2015, the government almost doubled the TFSA contribution limit. This is great news for the small percentage of people who are actually maximizing their TFSA, but somewhat meaningless f...
Gifting to young couples: Diamonds may be forever, but love may not be Lynn MacNeil July 5, 2015 6338 As we head into the busy season of house buying, weddings, and new beginnings, many parents and grandparents may be considering giving large financial gifts to young couples in love. These generous gifts are of...
Survivor Benefits: the gifts that keep on giving? linda.hammerschmid July 3, 2015 6681 Last month, on the Dr. Laurie’s CJAD Radio Show “Passion”, a caller inquired whether or not non married couples benefit from Survivor Pensions and if their children were eligible for Orphan Benefits. There a...
Inheritance: The Double Edged Sword Lynn MacNeil June 6, 2015 6535 There is an enormous amount of wealth that will be passed down to the next generations over the coming two decades. Current estimates put it over a trillion dollars! This massive amount of wealth brings with it...
I hope it never happens to you…but what if it does? Lynn MacNeil April 3, 2015 6613 As a financial planner I've been noticing a big gap in the often overlooked area of Living Benefits. Most people think about their RRSPs, their mortgages, even life insurance. But too many people are forgetting...