Experience true Vermont elegance at Woodstock Inn Matthew Elder January 15, 2020 5049 Be active – or simply kick back and relax – at this midsize New England classic Picture the quintessential Vermont country inn and you’ll imagine a large house in white clapboard with dormer windows and a vera...
The Park MGM Las Vegas Alexandra Cohen November 20, 2019 4075 When in search of a summer holiday destination last July, I decided on Las Vegas (www.visitlasvegas.com) where visitors are offered a fine combination of relaxation and fun. I have visited before in the winter,...
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square location worth a visit mikecohen October 25, 2019 5131 Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Times Square has permanently closed, effective November 28, 2021 NEW YORK- I have previously visited Ripley’s Believe It or Not! In Niagara Falls and London, England. D...
Feinstein’s/54 Below, Broadway’s premiere supper club Alexandra Cohen October 20, 2019 4375 NEW YORK - Die-hard Broadway fans have undoubtedly already heard of Feinstein’s/54 Below, Broadway’s premiere Supper Club (https://54below.com). At the peak of Times Square, this fantastic establishment offers ...
When in Manhattan dining can be an exceptional experience mikecohen September 24, 2019 4090 Manhattan dining NEW YORK- Dining out in New York City (www.nycgo.com) and the Manhattan area is always such a treat and I am pleased to provide readers of The Montrealer with my latest tips of where to go. ...
Making the most of your New York experience with a stopover in Poughkeepsie mikecohen September 23, 2019 3684 There is a new hotel in Poughkeepsie, the perfect stopover en route to New York City. We typically like to stay here overnight, getting us into the Big Apple at a good hour the following day. The arrival of a H...
Fredericksburg – Texas Heart, German Soul Julie Kalan May 24, 2019 3472 Arriving in Fredericksburg, there are two things that immediately stand out: first, Main Street’s extreme width - designed to enable a turning circumference for a team of oxen pulling a wagon, and second, the p...
Donald Trump in 2020 – Are you crazy? Peter Blaikie April 22, 2019 4045 Most rational observers of the political scene in the United States could be forgiven for suggesting there is no chance of Donald Trump being re-elected President in 2020. After all, and to use some of the word...
Dining Out – in Fort Lauderdale Travel News January 31, 2019 3407 Fort Lauderdale, with scenic ocean views and beautiful beaches, has become a second home for Canadian residents and was ranked one of Kayak.com’s Top 10 Wallet-Friendly Destinations for Canadian Travellers in 2...
Vdara Hotel & Spa: all of the excitement of Vegas in a non-gaming environment Alexandra Cohen January 27, 2019 3862 There is no question about it. The City of Las Vegas, Nevada (www.visitlasvegas.com) has everything that a vacationer could possibly ask for: concerts, shows, sports, shopping, dining, nightlife, golf, spas, ad...