Montreal Music Institute to provide musical education and participation for all ages The Montrealer October 20, 2023 1128 Working in conjunction with Trafalgar School, the new institute will offer services to the shuttered McGill Conservatory The leadership team of Trafalgar School for Girls, donors, music lovers and world-renowne...
YES Employment + Entrepreneurship online fundraiser auction The Montrealer November 26, 2020 1648 This year YES Employment + Entrepreneurship is celebrating 25 years with a fresh now look and to mark this momentous occasion, we’ve launched our Tune In To YES Virtual Experience Fundraising Campaign. We we...
Aldo Mazza & Jolán Kovács, founders of KoSA Music Peter Kerr October 3, 2018 4732 Aldo Mazza lives for music in general and percussion in particular. It’s his passion in life and his enthusiasm is infectious. Just a few minutes into our conversation, I found myself smiling and nodding in app...