Redefining Retirement – Creating a Part II Lynn MacNeil July 22, 2018 2534 Managing Your Money I recently congratulated long-time clients on successfully achieving “retirement”. I put retirement in quotations marks because retirement is being redefined these days, as their situati...
Cottage Life – Six tips on how to pass it on successfully Lynn MacNeil July 3, 2018 2217 Managing Your Money After a long, cold winter, summer is finally here! For those of you who escape to the peace and relaxation of cottage life during the summer, your plans are surely in full gear. You can a...
How technology and “Big Brother” are changing the insurance world as well as our lives Lynn MacNeil June 14, 2018 2407 Managing Your Money When I received my last car insurance renewal, I called the company to see if there was anything they could do to reduce my premium. The woman offered the options of installing a device ...
Why financial decisions shouldn’t always be about money Lynn MacNeil April 19, 2018 3951 Managing Your Money I remember early in my career trying to convince a client why keeping so much money in her bank account was a bad idea. When I asked her why she was insistent on leaving such a large bala...
Financial Abuse of Seniors – A Growing Problem Lynn MacNeil March 22, 2018 2990 Managing Your Money The abuse often seems to begin innocently enough with a few small purchases or simple financial requests. The person being abused often won’t even realize that they’re being taken advanta...
“Stock Market Turmoil: What’s going on?” – “DOW plunges 1175 – Worst Point Decline in History” Lynn MacNeil February 23, 2018 2573 Managing Your Money These were some of the news headline after Monday’s massive stock market drop. Reading news headlines about the markets can be scary, especially if you don’t follow the financial news dai...
Neglect New Year’s Resolutions, but don’t neglect your goals Lynn MacNeil January 21, 2018 6720 Managing Your Money Don’t neglect your goals It seems as though fewer and fewer people are bothering to make New Year’s Resolutions, and with good reason. A commonly cited statistic tells us that less than 8%...
Is the Magic of Toy Stores gone forever? Change and How we Adapt! Lynn MacNeil January 7, 2018 4117 Managing Your Money As the year comes to an end, and we take stock of the year that has passed, we can see that change is happening more rapidly than ever before. Change is constant, whether it be personal,...
Is Bitcoin the newest money making fad or a legitimate investment? Lynn MacNeil November 22, 2017 3131 Managing Your Money Have you heard of Bitcoin? Blockchain? Cryptocurrency? If not, don’t worry, you will! And if you have heard of it, do you have any idea what it is? If not, this article might shed some li...
Wealth & Health – Do even the wealthy worry about money? Lynn MacNeil October 28, 2017 3062 Managing Your Money Wealth & Health In a 2015 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), money tops the charts as the most significant source of stress, and interestingly, women report higher ...