Lefèvre, Ravel and Shostakovich

Christoph Gedschold, conductor
Alain Lefèvre, piano

One of the most charismatic figures on Quebec’s classical music scene is pianist Alain Lefèvre. His OSM visit this time brings us Ravel’s Concerto in G, with its unforgettable slow movement, which has been used in several films, including Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu’s Biutiful. Regarding his Eleventh Symphony, Shostakovich wrote in his memoirs Testimony that “it deals with contemporary issues … It’s about the people, who have stopped believing because the cup of evil has run over.”

Wednesday, May 6 – 8:00pm
Thursday, May 7 – 10:30am
Thursday, May 7 – 8:00pm

Presentation of the concert
Zosha di Castri, Lineage (approx. 11 min.)
Ravel, Piano Concerto in G

Shostakovich, Symphony No. 11 in G minor, Op. 103 (The Year 1905) (approx. 55 min.)

For tickets and information: placedesarts.com    514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112