Alternative Investing: Private Equity Simplified Lynn MacNeil September 28, 2017 3902 Managing Your Money A few weeks ago I received a text message from a friend (and client) who was in Florida. Our conversation went something like this: Him: Is ‘Chick-Fil-A' listed on the stock market? ...
When someone you care about needs money: Helping may not always be “helping” Lynn MacNeil August 28, 2017 4993 Managing Your Money You worked hard. Planned your retirement perfectly. Saved diligently. Considered the "what ifs", and now you're kicking back enjoying that long deserved retirement, when low and behold, s...
Financial anxiety during retirement: managing the stresses Lynn MacNeil July 26, 2017 2814 Managing Your Money We all have a vision of the ideal "retirement". For some, that even means working for years after retirement is possible. And that's why I use the term "retirement" loosely. Not everyone ...
The importance of unbiased advice: Canada’s need for alternatives to the big banks Lynn MacNeil June 27, 2017 3212 Managing Your Money The importance of unbiased advice: Canada’s need for alternatives to the big banks If you knew your doctor would only prescribe medications from Acme Pharmaceutical Company, would you feel...
When it’s time to sell your home! Lynn MacNeil April 27, 2017 7114 Managing Your Money When it's time to sell your home! There can be many reasons to sell your home, and some of them can involve mixed emotions. Your home is filled with many memories, is a place of familiarit...
“YOLO” might not seem so idealistic, when you fail to plan for the dream Lynn MacNeil March 21, 2017 2913 Managing Your Money We've all heard the saying, "it's not what you make, it's what you keep". And generally that implies "what you keep after taxes". But let's take it one step further and ask, "What do you ...
New Year’s Resolutions – your everyday decisions are far more important! Lynn MacNeil January 31, 2017 4229 Managing Your Money Inevitably, the New Year arrives and we make resolutions or commitments to do something differently, to change for the better, to take control of something. "I will lose weight/get heal...
Making a List! But are you checking it twice??? Lynn MacNeil December 18, 2016 5160 Managing Your Money The holiday countdown is on. You’ve surely made a list, but have you checked it twice? Trying to find the "perfect gift" for those on your list can add up, and up, and up, until you've ...
Transitioning financial management: taking the financial reins away from a partner who is failing Lynn MacNeil November 9, 2016 4510 Managing Your Money We recently lived through this with my father. My dad, a highly educated and intelligent man, who was organized, on top of everything, and never missed a birthday or bill payment, was bei...
What can we learn from where the wealthy are investing their money? Is real estate really the way to go? Lynn MacNeil May 12, 2016 8721 Managing Your Money Investors these days are wondering where to turn, not only to protect their nest egg, but to achieve returns that are above 1-2%. Looking at where the wealthy are currently investing the...