Solstice d’Hiver – December 16, Bourgie Hall

CHANTS DU SOLSTICE D'HIVER Explore the musical traditions of Provence, Georgia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Greece, and the United Kingdom with the sounds of flutes, bagpipes, the violin, banjo, bouzouki, oud, ...

CBC Christmas Sing-In, December 9, 2018

39th CBC CHRISTMAS SING-IN Held at the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul and simultaneously broadcast at Bourgie Hall. A production of CBC Montreal, in collaboration with the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul,...
Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots – November 18, Maison Symphonique

Orchestre symphonique de Montréal presents The Adventures of Maestro Puss in Boots A poor miller wants to become as rich as… the Marquis of Carabas? Find out whether he succeeds in this musical fairy tale, in...