Magical Symphony – live on April 25, 2021 LiveEvents April 19, 2021 1152 Maison symphonique de Montréal presents Magical Symphony Whoever said that the worlds of magic tricks and classical music don’t go together? To celebrate the 8th Bal des enfants event with a bang, this yea...
Bach in Brandenburg – April 24, 2021 LiveEvents April 18, 2021 1061 Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra presents Bach in Brandenburg 2021 marks the 300th anniversary of Bach’s Brandenburg concertos! Maestro Eric Paetkau leads the SSO through some of the most exceptional music eve...
La guitare romantique – April 24, 2021 LiveEvents April 17, 2021 929 Bourgie Hall and the Société de guitare de Montréal present La guitare romantique en trois temps - Live and Online During this concert-lecture, guitarist Pascal Valois will take the audience on a journey thr...
Barber and Still: American Sounds – April 20 to May 4, 2021 LiveEvents April 14, 2021 1215 Maison symphonique de Montréal presents Barber and Still: American Sounds Under the direction of OSM Assistant Conductor Thomas Le Duc-Moreau, William Grant Still’s Symphony no. 2, “Song of a New Race” will f...
Mahan Esfahani performs Bach – April 21, 2021 LiveEvents April 13, 2021 1256 Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord Bach Mahan Esfahani’s concert features two of Bach’s six French Suites, which contain some of Bach’s most attractive keyboard writing. The arrangement of contrasting dances, all ...
Back Down the Danube – April 17, 2021 LiveEvents April 12, 2021 1613 Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra presents Back Down the Danube! The ‘journey’ down the famous European river continues with Julian Pellicano leading WSO soloists and the orchestra on a return trip down the Danube....
Chiaroscuro Quartet – April 15, 2021 LiveEvents April 8, 2021 2035 Chiaroscuro Quartet Haydn, Mendelssohn and Purcell Purcell’s fifteen Fantazias only survive as a manuscript which is in the British Museum. Purcell was only 21 when he wrote them in June 1680; the young com...
The Carnival of the Animals – April 11, 2021 Bourgie Hall LiveEvents April 4, 2021 1557 Bourgie Hall presents The Carnival of the animals A work by Saint-Saëns both whimsical and amusing, where elephants, tortoises, and kangaroos share the spotlight with a menagerie of other animals, all headed ...
Saint-Saëns: Chamber Musician – Live at Bourgie Hall and Online LiveEvents April 2, 2021 1396 Bourgie Hall presents Musicians of the OSM Saint-Saëns: Chamber Musician Solidly founded upon a catalogue of chamber music teeming with precious rarities, the OSM’s exceptional musicians are finally back at ...
Clara Schumann according to Tony Siqi Yun – April 9-18, 2021 LiveEvents April 1, 2021 1617 Orchestre Metropolitain presents CLARA SCHUMANN ACCORDING TO TONY SIQI YUN The young prodigy and first prize winner at the Inaugural China International Music Competition, Tony Siqi Yun is making his Canadian...