Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault – Transfiguration LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1391 Bourgie Hall presents Transfiguration with Valérie Milot and Stéphane Tétreault Transfiguration, starring harpist Valérie Milot and cellist Stéphane Tétreault, is a total concert experience in which its arti...
Brahms and Nielsen at the Maison Symphonqiue LiveEvents May 16, 2022 1236 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Brahms and Nielsen: Vigour, Virtuosity, Vitality Juraj Valčuha’s previous performances with the OSM turned into momentous concerts. This Slovenian conductor re...
Brahms: A German Requiem – May 20, 2022 LiveEvents May 13, 2022 1570 Orchestre Métropolitain presents Brahms: A German Requiem Under the baton of Yannick Nézet-Séguin, the OM and the Chœur Métropolitain will perform A German Requiem—a piece where the human voice reaches new he...
It’s summer at the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal! The Montrealer May 12, 2022 1856 A mix of free outdoor and ticketed indoor concerts for Rafael Payare’s first summer season This summer the Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal will be refreshingly busy with live concerts in city parks, concert ...
From Mozart to Shostakovich – May 18-19, 2022 LiveEvents May 10, 2022 1079 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents From Mozart to Shostakovich: Humanity in Movement Mozart visiting Paris during a European tour. Ravel dazzled by the excitement of North American life. Shostak...
Grandes Québécoises – May 17, 2022 LiveEvents May 9, 2022 1487 Marie Christine Tremblay & Jacques Marchand present Grandes Québécoises A part of the Orchestre classique de Montréal's 82nd Season devoted to Women of Distinction Quebec’s top classical talent will b...
Play me a Poem – enter a world of fables, music and poetry LiveEvents May 8, 2022 2133 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Play me a poem Children's Corner concert Verses, rhymes, Grasshopper, Ant: let yourself be transported to the world of fables and poetry. You don’t need to ...
Harpsichordist Pierre Hantaï – May 13, 2022 LiveEvents May 6, 2022 936 Bourgie Hall presents Pierre Hantaï plays J.S. Bach and Handel Baroque Music "Bach and Handel: they wielded the same authority and held an internationally tinged discourse," as Norbert Dufourcq famously s...
From Mozart to the OSM Competition LiveEvents May 4, 2022 1231 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Youth and Creativity: From Mozart to the OSM Competition Here is a concert to stimulate the imagination: a performance of musical tableaux. After marvelling at...
Rafael Payare and the Lyricism of Bruckner LiveEvents May 2, 2022 2000 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents Lyricism of Bruckner Bruckner ranks with Brahms as one of the greatest symphonists of the late 19th century. His Symphony no. 7 is a true masterpiece of lyrici...