Simon Chang brings positive change to Montrealers Wendy Singer November 16, 2022 3174 Simon Chang is a warm, vivacious man with a heart of gold and an innate ability to connect with just about anyone. When he enters a room, you know he has arrived, and he will leave having put a smile on everyon...
Trusted Contact Person – an important layer of protection for your wealth Lynn MacNeil October 13, 2022 1411 Managing Your Money When you book a flight, join a gym, or start a new job, they usually ask for an emergency contact person. Generally, this is in case of a medical emergency, so they will know who to contact ...
The Royal Canadian Mint Supports Reconciliation With Keepsake Honouring the Victims and Survivors of Residential, Day and Boarding Schools LiveEvents September 29, 2022 1911 Learn the Truth; Practice Reconciliation. The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and the Royal Canadian Mint have together unveiled a deeply symbolic keepsake that acknowledges the truths behind the r...
Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music begins the 2022/23 season with a stellar month of concerts Travel News September 19, 2022 1444 The Royal Conservatory of Music is thrilled to open its doors to audiences for the first full concert season since March of 2020. Mervon Mehta, Executive Director of Performing Arts, said: “After two and a half...
Montreal to Moscow – Cartoons & Anecdotes by Terry Mosher (aka Aislin) Peter Kerr September 17, 2022 1619 Cartoons and Anecdotes from ’72 Canada – USSR Hockey Summit Series This fall is the 50th Anniversary of the ’72 Canada-Russia Hockey Summit Series. People of a certain age remember where they were when Paul Hen...
From Disaster Relief to Community Transformation Sam Watts September 15, 2022 1209 Think Philanthropically What happens when we try to do the right thing the wrong way? Often we do not achieve the result we are aiming for. This is a very common philanthropic problem. Community-based non-prof...
Le Burger Week – September 1-14, 2022 LiveEvents August 27, 2022 1360 Canada’s Favorite Burger Festival, LE BURGER WEEK, is Back And This Time, It’s Going Plant-Based for Two Weeks! 11 YEARS IN THE MAKING! This year, the beloved restaurant festival will host an expected over 400 ...
The Canadian Securities Exchange – serving Canadian entrepreneurs Peter Kerr August 15, 2022 2146 Founded in 2003 and operational in 2004, the Canadian Securities Exchange has exceeded expectations for everyone working in the financial services markets, including even the CSE management team. Management’s i...
Jazz Legend Oscar Peterson on new $1 coin LiveEvents August 12, 2022 1945 Royal Canadian Mint Honours Legendary Canadian Pianist and Jazz Giant Oscar Peterson on New $1 Circulation Coin The Royal Canadian Mint is honouring one of the greatest musicians the world has ever seen by issu...
Colin Standish – Constitutional scholar and lawyer is the energetic founder and leader of the Canadian Party of Quebec Peter Kerr August 12, 2022 5092 Colin Standish is optimistic that the Canadian Party of Quebec (CaPQ) will win seats and be present in Quebec’s National Assembly when it resumes after the October 3rd provincial election. Colin is the Canadian...