Stress: It’s all in your head, or is it?Dr. Caroline Ménard, an up-and-coming researcher from Quebec City

Stress: It’s all in your head, or is it?

When we think about mental health, we often think of the brain in our heads. But what about what some refer to as our second brain – the gut? Could changes to the trillions of microorganisms in the gut affect o...
Oscar Peterson Heritage Minute

Oscar Peterson Heritage Minute

New Heritage Minute Honours Montreal Jazz Superstar Historica Canada has released a new Heritage Minute celebrating the legacy of renowned jazz musician Oscar Peterson. Peterson grew up in the Black working...
King of Canada

King of Canada – November 6 & 8, 2020 Online

Infinithéâtre presents two special live-streamed performances of King of Canada Written by Paul Van Dyck  Directed by Zach Fraser Starring Ellen David and Brian Dooley Canada’s longest-serving PM als...