Beethoven’s Symphony no. 7 – January 12, 2021 LiveEvents January 7, 2021 969 Maison symphonique de Montréal presents Beethoven’s Exquisite Symphony no. 7 Under the direction of Montreal conductor Jean-Marie Zeitouni, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7, famously referred to “The Apotheosis of ...
Beethoven’s Supreme Septet – December 8, 2020 LiveEvents December 4, 2020 1080 Maison symphonique de Montréal presents Beethoven’s Supreme Septet Bringing together strings, woodwinds, and brass in an atypical ensemble formation for his time, Beethoven’s Septet gives all players an oppor...
Mozart Arias and Beethoven’s “Pastorale” Symphony – September 29, 2020 Online LiveEvents September 22, 2020 1218 Mozart Arias and Beethoven’s “Pastorale” Symphony Placing Mozart and Beethoven side by side, this brilliant concert features performances by three Canadian artists in an eclectic and virtuosic repertoire. Bern...
Beethoven Symphony No. 9 – August 23, 2020 LiveEvents August 20, 2020 1170 BSO Encore Performances from Tanglewood Beethoven Symphony No. 9 Hosted by Jamie Bernstein For decades, the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Tanglewood season has concluded with a joyous performance of Beethove...
Andrew Wan – Charles Richard-Hamelin – March 19, 2020 Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 12, 2020 2105 ANDREW WAN - CHARLES RICHARD-HAMELIN Suspension of all Concerts at Bourgie Hall March 12 to April 11, inclusively OSM concertmaster Andrew Wan and pianist Charles Richard-Hamelin forge ahead with their co...
Marc-André Hamelin – March 17 & 19, 2020 Maison Symphonique LiveEvents March 10, 2020 1689 Marc-André Hamelin Performs Liszt Effective Immediately, Place des Arts Suspends Activities until April 12 Renowned for his impeccable technique and superior musical intelligence, Canadian pianist Marc-An...
Pavel Haas Quartet – March 15, 2020 Pollack Hall LiveEvents March 8, 2020 1388 The Ladies’ Morning Musical Club presents PAVEL HAAS QUARTET with BORIS GILTBURG CANCELLED Veronika Jarůšková - violin Jiří Kabát - viola Marek Zwiebel - violin ...
Grimal Gastinel Cassard Trio – March 13-15, 2020 Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 7, 2020 2131 GRIMAL GASTINEL CASSARD TRIO - STRAUSS MCNABNEY HAIMOVITZ TRIO Suspension of all Concerts at Bourgie Hall March 12 to April 11, inclusively Six outstanding instrumentalists unite to present a panorama of...
Allegra – Beethoven – March 12, 2020 Redpath Hall LiveEvents March 4, 2020 1437 Allegra Chamber Music Beethoven Allegra brings together accomplished musicians from many of Montreal's leading ensembles who all share a passion for chamber music. Inspiring and engaging programs, presente...
Han-Na Chang – February 28, 2020 Maison Symphonique LiveEvents February 20, 2020 1785 Orchestre Métropolitain presents Han-Na Chang conducts Shostakovich Being an artist in Stalin’s Russia was a daunting endeavour. The rules changed quickly and the consequences for disobedience ranged from cen...