Marc-André Hamelin – March 17 & 19, 2020 Maison Symphonique LiveEvents March 10, 2020 1672 Marc-André Hamelin Performs Liszt Effective Immediately, Place des Arts Suspends Activities until April 12 Renowned for his impeccable technique and superior musical intelligence, Canadian pianist Marc-An...
Pavel Haas Quartet – March 15, 2020 Pollack Hall LiveEvents March 8, 2020 1364 The Ladies’ Morning Musical Club presents PAVEL HAAS QUARTET with BORIS GILTBURG CANCELLED Veronika Jarůšková - violin Jiří Kabát - viola Marek Zwiebel - violin ...
Grimal Gastinel Cassard Trio – March 13-15, 2020 Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 7, 2020 2071 GRIMAL GASTINEL CASSARD TRIO - STRAUSS MCNABNEY HAIMOVITZ TRIO Suspension of all Concerts at Bourgie Hall March 12 to April 11, inclusively Six outstanding instrumentalists unite to present a panorama of...
Allegra – Beethoven – March 12, 2020 Redpath Hall LiveEvents March 4, 2020 1408 Allegra Chamber Music Beethoven Allegra brings together accomplished musicians from many of Montreal's leading ensembles who all share a passion for chamber music. Inspiring and engaging programs, presente...
Han-Na Chang – February 28, 2020 Maison Symphonique LiveEvents February 20, 2020 1760 Orchestre Métropolitain presents Han-Na Chang conducts Shostakovich Being an artist in Stalin’s Russia was a daunting endeavour. The rules changed quickly and the consequences for disobedience ranged from cen...
Elias String Quartet – February 23, 2020 Pollack Hall LiveEvents February 15, 2020 1628 The Ladies’ Morning Musical Club presents ELIAS STRING QUARTET Sara Bitlloch - violin Simone van der Giessen - viola Donald Grant - violin Marie Bitlloch - cello “Few quart...
Daniil Trifonov – February 23, 2020 Maison Symphonique LiveEvents February 15, 2020 1553 Daniil Trifonov Plays Beethoven and Prokofiev One of the most inspired pianists of his generation, the dazzling Daniil Trifonov makes a return performance to the delight of music lovers in Montreal. A true phe...
Dancing Beethoven – February 19-23, 2020 Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier LiveEvents February 11, 2020 1588 Les Grands Ballets presents Dancing Beethoven Two immense works by the great composer begin the year 2020, which will be marking the 250th anniversary of the birth of Beethoven, a monumental figure in classic...
Symphonies at the Piano I – February 8, 2020 Bourgie Hall LiveEvents February 2, 2020 1395 SYMPHONIES AT THE PIANO - CONCERT I Artists Luigi Carrocia, piano “Carroccia is an aristocrat of the piano; there doesn’t seem to be a nonmusical atom in his being.” (OLIN CHISM – Fort Worth Star-Telegram) ...
Lortie Plays Beethoven – February 7&9, 2020 LiveEvents February 1, 2020 1504 LOUIS LORTIE PLAYS BEETHOVEN To celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Arte Musica presents the great composer's complete Piano Sonatas in 2020. This incredible co...