Pointe À Callière exhibition Dinner Is Served sets a great table P.A. Sévigny July 24, 2019 3414 As one of the most popular museums in the city, Old Montreal’s Pointe À Callière is putting on a new exhibition that’s taken more than a few steps beyond the usual museum fare that defines this city’s obsession...
Haida: Supernatural Stories – until October 27, 2019 McCord Museum LiveEvents July 23, 2019 2333 Sding K’awXangs—Haida: Supernatural Stories A Look at Haida Culture at the McCord Museum The McCord Museum invites everyone to visit the archipelago of Haida Gwaii on Canada’s northwest coast. With more than ...
MI4 is working to solve humanity’s deadliest puzzles Kate Shingler July 22, 2019 2350 McGill Interdisciplinary Initiative in Infection and Immunity (MI4) A team of leading Montreal-area researchers are sounding the alarm, warning us that we as a society, are facing an apocalypse. It’s not the...
Joé Rullier – from the NHL to a successful commercial real estate career Peter Kerr July 20, 2019 6357 Joé Rullier Joé Rullier started purchasing rental properties while still playing for the L.A. Kings in the NHL Joé Rullier grew up in Montreal’s east end community of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, where he played...
The Disrupter as President Peter Blaikie July 15, 2019 4549 That's My View Peter Blaikie Napoleon is said to have remarked, “In politics, absurdity is not a handicap”. So it seems with Donald Trump. In Hamlet, Polonius, the chief counselor (and sycophant) to t...
Home is where the heart is – Retirement Living Lynn MacNeil July 12, 2019 1948 Managing Your Money Retirement Living Special Event: Navigating Life Transitions - Trends in Downsizing, Senior Living, and Home Care Contact Tania for more info: 514-981-5795 There comes a time ...
The fantastic paintings of Luciano Ventrone at Han Art in Westmount Peter Kerr June 26, 2019 5163 Luciano Ventrone’s paintings are more than eye-catching; the brilliance of their colour is arresting. They literally stop you in your tracks. Andrew Liu and Chloe Ng of Han Art have an exhibition of Ventrone’s ...
Q & A with McGill University Health Center CEO Dr. Pierre Gfeller Kate Shingler June 24, 2019 3327 This month, President and Executive Director of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Dr. Pierre Gfeller marks his first full year on the job. A family physician by training, Dr. Gfeller has more than 3...
The Government tries to destroy a good man Peter Blaikie June 21, 2019 4279 Peter Blaikie As a general rule, I don’t comment on political affairs in Canada. However, as we are only a few months away from a federal election, and as the Liberal government’s treatment of Vice-Admiral ...
Teens & Money: The benefits of a summer job experience Lynn MacNeil June 20, 2019 1696 Managing Your Money Snowbirds are back. Winter coats are put away. After a long tough Canadian winter, summer is finally in sight. As my children wrap up their last few weeks of school and start preparation ...