Echoes of Battle

The Echoes of Battle – February 23, Bourgie Hall

The Echoes of Battle Daniel Propper is an expert on the music of the Napoleonic era. His album L’Écho des batailles is the result of painstaking historical and musical research, rewarded in 2012 by the Fondati...
Napoleonic History

Napoleonic History – February 22, Bourgie Hall

Concert-lecture Musical Pages From Napoleonic History: 1800 to 1815 To complement his concert on February 23, Daniel Propper gives an outline of his research project, L’Écho des batailles with illustrations a...
Alexandre Tharaud

Alexandre Tharaud – February 20, Bourgie Hall

Alexandre Tharaud reunites with his loyal audience at Bourgie Hall, in a recital that spans 250 years of music. From Rachmaninoff’s five famous Morceaux de fantaisie to Ravel’s masterpiece Miroirs, Tharaud invi...