Pandit Birju Maharaj

Pandit Birju Maharaj – June 8, Cinquième Salle

Pandit Birju Maharaj Kathak is a form of Indian classical dance that traces its origins to the nomadic bards of ancient northern India, known as “Kathakars” or storytellers. Its form today contains traces of t...
Organ Gala

Organ Gala – June 7, Maison Symphonique

Montreal Chamber Orchestra presents Organ Gala Pre-show: 6:45 pm / Concert: 7:30 Solists: Jean-Willy Kunz, organ Sharon Azrieli Perez, soprano Boris Brott, conductor The MCO, in collaboration with th...
Nathalie Bondil

Nathalie Bondil Awarded the Order of Canada

On May 13th, Nathalie Bondil, Director and Chief Curator of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA), was invested into the Order of Canada by the Governor General, His Excellency the Right Honourable David John...
Montreal Museum Day

Montreal Museum Day – May 29, 2016

30th Annual Montreal Museum Day Sunday, May 29, 2016 Once again this year, there will be over 100 activities and exhibition at the 36 participating museums. There will be something for everyone, whether the...
Brad Mehldau

Brad Mehldau – May 27, Maison Symphonique

Brad Mehldau Brad Mehldau solo—we can’t get enough! After his immensely successful solo shows at the Festival and last year’s triumph in the Maison symphonique, the virtuoso returns to offer another glimpse of...