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Where to go when the going gets rough

(This article discusses financial issues and uses fictitious names of people for illustrative purposes.) Many of the approximately 10 million Canadian baby boomers born between the years of 1947-1966 can r...

Pleasure Island in The Charlevoix

Quebec’s beautiful Isle-aux-Coudres is a relaxing, family-friendly vacation destination. Hurry and hustle is far from a way of life on Isle-aux-Coudres, a small incredibly scenic island in the St. Lawrence ...

Boris Brott

“I commit to continue my parents’ legacy with The McGill Chamber Orchestra” The Brott family has made a tremendous contribution to the Montreal classical music community as musicians, composers, conductors...

Rick Blue

After three decades as one-half of Bowser & Blue, Rick Blue is establishing himself as a playwright Rick Blue and George Bowser have been performing musical satire since 1978. Bowser & Blue have enjoyed rav...
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Less risk may mean higher returns

(This article discusses financial issues and uses fictitious names of people for illustrative purposes.) It’s the weekend and Steve and Rhonda Baker are sitting down to a late breakfast with their son, Adam....

Awesome Golf in the Mont Tremblant region

The heart of the Laurentians is home to some of Canada’s finest golf courses. Right from the get-go the most notable golf courses in Canada generally had one thing in common. Even before earth moving machines b...