Alzheimer Groupe Inc. board president Claire Webster and John Hallward All Photos: Jonas RenaudA Prelude to December, Canada’s charitable giving season Linda Renaud December 27, 2015 12262 A Prelude to December, Canada’s charitable giving season In late November dozens of Montreal’s non-profit and philanthropic leaders met at the University Club to discuss how to inspire a whole new generation of Canadians to give. Co-hosted by John Hallward, Chairman of the GIV3 Foundation, and Dominique Anglade, co-founder of the KANPE Foundation, the evening brought together several members of Montreal’s family foundations including Peter McConnell, Brian Bronfman, Stuart and Claire Webster, Diana Stewart of the Macdonald Stewart Foundation and event sponsor David Laidley. Event sponsor David Laidley and Montreal Economic Institute advisor Reford MacDougall While there has been a boom in wealth among top Canadian income earners, research by IPSOS, a global market research firm, “shows that three-quarters of Canadians do not know how much they should be giving and as a result they give less,” said Hallward, senior consultant at IPSOS. “If the country returned to the average giving rate of a generation ago [1% of income, up from the current average level of giving which is .75%] it would generate almost $2 billion more annually for the non-profit sector.” It is this enormous potential which led Hallward in 2008 to start GIV3, a non-profit movement whose sole purpose is to encourage more Canadians to be more giving – either by donating or by volunteering. The non-profit sector, which represents 7% of our GDP and employs over two million Canadians, has a significant impact, from providing services to children at risk, to providing homeless shelters and elder care. December is the biggest month of philanthropy in Canada, and was recently kicked-off with the very successful “Giving Tuesday” on December 1st with over 4,000 charities and businesses participating in this year’s Canada-wide event. To find out how to participate in giving during the month of December, please go to: Mayor Peter Trent, GIV3 Chairman John Hallward and Tony Fargnoli of Tony’s Shoes Gazette columnist Celine Cooper and KANPE Foundation’s Dominique Anglade Victoria LeBlanc, Executive Director, Visual Arts Center with art historian Sandra Paikowsky Attorney Allan Maas, Bineta Ba, Executive Director, Toujours ensemble and book collector Nicholas Hoare Peter McConnell with Isabelle Thibault, KANPE Executive Director Dominique Anglade sharing her passion for KANPE Foundation with Brian Bronfman Bruce Bolton, Executive Director, Macdonald Stewart Foundation and Ross Aitken, Director of Development, Saint Raphael’s Palliative Centre GIV3 Executive Director Woodrow Rosenbaum and Steven Davis, founder of Academics without Borders