The Annual Sports Celebrity Breakfast at the Cummings Centre is another Sold Out! success

Over six hundred people crammed into the Annual Sports Celebrity Breakfast in support of the Cummings Centre annual fundraiser to assist seniors in need. The Cummings Centre is the largest Seniors’ Centre in North America. This year’s total of $200,000+ brings the 11 year total to over $1,000,000. The Cummings Centre serves 500 meals per week to seniors in need. Unfortunately 1 in 5 senior citizens live below the poverty line.

Former Montreal Canadien great Peter Mahavolich was the Sports Personality of The Year, and Caesar’s COO and generous philanthropist Mitch Garber was the Guest of Honour. Each year, current and past professional athletes donate their time and celebrity status to join in the breakfast, recognizing that their presence helps to sell tickets.

Congratulations to the organizers and everyone who purchased tickets. For more information about the Cummings Centre, please visit or call Michael Beigleman 514-342-1234.

Celebrity Breakfast

Joe Presser, Stephen Lesser and Allan J. Levine are amongst the
original organizers

Celebrity Breakfast

Maxine Bloom, President of
The Cummings Centre and
Victor Bloom










Celebrity Breakfast

Roy Solomon and Dianne
Dupuis Kallos

Celebrity Breakfast

RBC Vice-President Tony and Angelina Loffreda









Celebrity Breakfast

Kevin and Robert Libman, former Mayor of Cote St-Luc and Equality Party Founder

Celebrity Breakfast

TSN Sportscaster and play-by-play man for The Alouettes and
The Impact, Rick Moffat and retiring Liberal MP Irwin Cotler











Cote St-Luc Councellors Allan Levine, Ruth Kovac and Michael Cohen

Cote St-Luc Councellors Allan Levine, Ruth Kovac and Michael Cohen