Tierney Sutton

Tierney Sutton – October 25, Segal Centre Studio

Power Jazz Series Opener Tierney Sutton After Blue: a jazz-inspired re-imagining of the legacy of Joni Mitchell “A serious jazz artist who takes the whole enterprise to another level.” – The New York Times ...
Emma Frank

Emma Frank – June 7, Segal Centre Studio

Depending on when you walk in on a song, Emma Frank’s music might sound like folk or jazz, even R&B. It’s music that never stays put, full of moving parts, shifting tempos, winding melodies. The lyrics ...
Altsys Jazz Orchestra

Altsys Jazz Orchestra – May 3, Segal Studio

Altsys Jazz Orchestra - 30th Anniversary Concert Altsys Jazz Orchestra, founded by conductor/saxophonist Jennifer Bell and trumpeter/composer Bill Mahar, specializes in original Canadian works and lesser perfo...