Musica Notturna

Musica Notturna – May 3-5, Bourgie Hall

Arion Baroque Orchestra presents Musica notturna Guest conductor: Enrico Onofri, Violin The Arion Baroque Orchestra closes their 38th Season with the return of the captivating Italian violinist Enrico Onof...
Christian Blackshaw

Christian Black – March 19 & 20, Bourgie Hall

CHRISTIAN BLACKSHAW PLAYS MOZART The complete Piano Sonatas by Mozart in four recitals over two seasons. British pianist Christian Blackshaw is without any doubt one of the greatest living performers of Moz...

Duo Tyniec-Thibeault – November 21, Bourgie Hall

DUO TYNIEC-THIBEAULT After Mozart, the world had to wait for Martinu’s Three Madrigals for violin and viola to breathe new life into this unusual formation. The two musicians also showcase some of the solo rep...