Habitat 67: The Shape of Things to Come – until August 13 LiveEvents June 7, 2017 5019 Celebration of Montreal's 375th Anniversary HABITAT 67: The Shape of Things to Come Free entry: Tuesday to Sunday, noon to 6pm This exhibition celebrates the revolutionary housing complex designed by arch...
Montreal AVUDO – until September 2, 2017, Old Port of Montreal LiveEvents May 31, 2017 4144 Montreal AVUDO A spectacular multimedia show that pays tribute TO THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER all SUMMER Long in the Old Port. This poetic multimedia performance, created uniquely for Montreal’s 375th by the cel...
100% Montréal – May 25-28, Théâtre Jean-Duceppe LiveEvents May 18, 2017 3112 100% Montréal Celebration of Montreal's 375th Anniversary Opening show of the 11th edition of the Festival TransAmériques The German collective Rimini Protokoll presents a made-to-measure piece for Montr...
Illumination of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge – May 17 LiveEvents May 16, 2017 2422 Living Connections - Illumination of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge Celebration of Montreal's 375th Anniversary Starting May 17, 2017, merely looking at the Jacques-Cartier Bridge will become a radically different...