Bah Humbug – it’s all about speed, not Justice linda.hammerschmid November 7, 2016 4266 Ask the Hammer When the dictum from on high is how fast files get through the system rather than placing the importance on actual justice and the rights of the parties we can say “SOMETHIN’S BROKE”! As ...
Access to Justice – Bah Humbug! linda.hammerschmid October 24, 2016 3301 A revealing look at the ponderous and time-consuming judicial system Inspired by National Post columnist, Christie Blatchford, and her take on justice in her article “How I fell out of love with our justice sy...
A different point-of-view concerning the ban of dangerous dog breeds Barbara Kay October 20, 2016 4621 National Post columnist Barbara Kay responds to The Montrealer columnist Linda Hammerschmid’s September 2016 article The September issue of The Montrealer featured a column by family lawyer Linda Hammerschild,...
Banning dog breeds – knee “jerk” political decisions linda.hammerschmid September 15, 2016 4099 The most aggressive breed, one study found, was the Dachshund. The researchers discovered that one in five have bit or attempted to bite a stranger, and one in twelve has lashed out at their owners. Chihuahuas ...
How many massacres in the US before gun control? linda.hammerschmid August 18, 2016 5277 It seems that this column must address the latest gun deaths in Orlando, Florida particularly since I was in the sunshine State at the time. June 10th brought news of the fatal shootings at a concert, perpet...
Can’t explain Family Law in 500 words (but I’ll try) linda.hammerschmid March 19, 2016 6863 No matter how diligent one intends to be, an article on Family Law cannot be 100% comprehensive in its explanation of any given topic. The real trouble starts when the lay person reads someone’s take on an i...
Au but with Aubut linda.hammerschmid February 21, 2016 4819 Inaction by the Canadian Olympic Committee requires an explanation If you had the privilege of watching the TV series Lie to Me, particularly Season 1, Episodes 1 to 6, then you may recognize some of the visua...
Being bugged has nothing to do with mosquitoes, (Schadenfreude below the fold) linda.hammerschmid December 20, 2015 6008 Every Saturday I simultaneously look forward and dread reading the weekend paper with my first cup of morning java. While catching up on news from around the globe, the dread comes from reading those tiny sn...
Turcotte or not Turcotte that is the Question?! linda.hammerschmid October 28, 2015 6407 I don’t know about you all out there but I find it very difficult to believe that a medical specialist (i.e. a doctor) can’t succeed a suicide attempt if that is really the end goal. Firstly, a disclaimer, I...
Universal Child Care Benefits AKA Buying Votes linda.hammerschmid September 28, 2015 5416 To adhere to an Action Plan that is, at its premise, unfair is ludicrous. The recently unveiled Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) of the Canada Action Plan is inherently just that, unfair, inequitable and ...