Volte Ensemble - BACH & SONS

Bach & Sons – November 14, 2021

Clavecin en concert presents BACH & SONS Harpsichord Concerto by J.S. Bach and Symphonies by C.P.E. Bach &  J.C. Bach Each with their own styles and respective functions and positions, Bach and his...
Four Seasons of Vivaldi - Isabella D’Éloize Perron

The Four Seasons of Vivaldi – November 13, 2021

GFN Production presents The Four Seasons of Vivaldi An evening with the violinist Isabella d'Éloize Perron is guaranteed to be filled with discovery and delight. Performed by the Ensemble Classico-Moderne, Th...
Kerson Leong

Les Violons du Roy and Kerson Leong

Bourgie Hall presents Les Violons du Roy and Kerson Leong: Philip Glass and the American Seasons It is with immense pleasure that Les Violons du Roy delve into the universe of Philip Glass along with two of t...
Luc Beauséjour: The Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall

Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall

Bourgie Hall presents Luc Beauséjour: The Historical Keyboard Instruments of Bourgie Hall Luc Beauséjour performs works by Bach, Couperin and Mozart on five different keyboard instruments from the Bourgie Hal...
Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica

Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica

Bourgie Hall presents Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica: From Bach to Piazzolla After the resounding success of their 2017 appearance, this concert marks the return of the outstanding violinist and his r...
Les Idées heureuses

Les Idées heureuses: Cantatas by J.S Bach

Bourgie Hall presents Les Idées heureuses: Complete cycle of cantatas by J.S Bach Complete Cantatas of J.S. Bach - Year 7 For the fourth time since 2015, Les Idées heureuses takes part in the complete cycle ...
Elvira Misbakhova - Orchestre Métropolitain presents Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Romantic Treasures

Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Romantic Treasures

Orchestre Métropolitain presents Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Romantic Treasures The only woman to teach at the Conservatoire de Paris in the 19th century, Louise Farrenc was a masterful composer and heir to Beethov...
Musicians of the OSM : A Multitude of Quartet Colours

Musicians of the OSM performing at Bourgie Hall

Bourgie Hall in collaboration with the OSM presents Musicians of the OSM : A Multitude of Quartet Colours The Musicians of the OSM pursue their collaboration with Bourgie Hall in an eclectic and rarely heard ...