Courageous, Cowardly or Just More Confusion? Guy Rex Rodgers October 15, 2024 885 What We Choose To Remember Let’s start with courage. Full marks to citizens who raised their voices against this summer’s bizarre 31-page health ‘directive’ that made it sound like it was necessary to hire a ...
Disturbing Language: Young English-speakers are concerned about language and have serious questions about their future in Quebec Guy Rex Rodgers September 15, 2024 1360 What We Choose To Remember In August I had the pleasure of being invited to Bishop’s University to show my documentary film What We Choose To Remember. The annual Bishop’s Forum offers young leaders (18-26) an...
Time to realign Guy Rex Rodgers January 13, 2024 1358 What We Choose to Remember Every nation has its foundational myths. For Quebec, Nouvelle France was conquered by English-speaking foreigners who have been a plague ever since. Most Anglos I know have encounter...
Fight, flight or foresight Guy Rex Rodgers December 14, 2023 1447 What We Choose To Remember We are living in times of division, frustration, resentment and hostility. Friendships can be damaged by a misplaced word, destroyed by a misinterpreted comment. The automatic physio...
François Legault – the man who would be Premier? Peter Kerr March 19, 2018 7579 West Island native believes in a culture that values education and entrepreneurship I recently attended a presentation by Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) leader François Legault, followed by a question period mo...