Two new features at the Biodôme LiveEvents December 17, 2024 473 Espace pour la vie presents Two new features at the Biodôme: A Close-knit Nature and Mégaceta A Close-knit Nature, the Biodôme's all-new permanent exhibition, takes us into the world of keystone species to bet...
Holiday Fun at the Biodôme LiveEvents December 19, 2022 1242 Giant animals on the move A poetic walk inspired by the Biodôme's animal species! Oversized puppets* inspired by the Biodôme's animal species wander through the space surrounding the ecosystems. Accompanied by ...
Birth of Three Lynx Kittens at the Biodôme LiveEvents May 17, 2022 1729 Espace pour la vie is delighted to announce the birth of three lynx kittens at the Montreal Biodôme on May 1st. The kittens and their mother are doing well. Since the birth, the young lynxes have been very live...
The Biodôme – A work of art and love of nature Beverley Kerr September 23, 2020 2560 Neither a zoo, nor a botanical garden – Montreal’s unique Biodôme is now open Passionate about her work and seen with the colourful Macaws, veterinarian Emiko Wong is the Division Head for the Living Collecti...
Biodôme Grand Reopening LiveEvents August 30, 2020 2447 Espace pour la vie announces the Biodôme grand reopening THE BIG EVENT IS SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 31, 2020 It’s now official: The Biodôme de Montréal will be reopening to the public on August 31, 2020, and Esp...
Tropical Adventure at the Biodôme December 22 to February 11, 2018 LiveEvents December 20, 2017 2568 Head out on a Tropical Adventure at the Biodôme Photo: C. Lalond Visitors of all ages are sure to chuckle at our puppet theatre performance. In Capy's Big Day, our little capybara has decided that he wants...
The Biodôme’s 25th Birthday Weekend – June 17-18 LiveEvents June 13, 2017 2753 The Biodôme's Special 25th Birthday Weekend Come on a Behind-the-Scenes Rally to celebrate the Biodôme’s 25th birthday. It’s a fun experience that will show you everything it takes to create and maintain a “ho...