Bach’s B-Minor Mass – May 11, Maison Symphonique LiveEvents May 6, 2019 1723 Violons du Roy presents Bach’s B-Minor Mass Bernard Labadie, Les Violons du Roy, and La Chapelle de Québec return to one of the crowning glories of western music after an absence of seventeen years—Bach’s B-M...
Concert Meditation – April 13, Maison Symphonique LiveEvents April 8, 2019 1647 Concert Meditation - Maria João Pires & Matthieu Ricard Pianist Maria João Pires and Matthieu Ricard have jointly designed a meditation concert in which Bach's preludes and fugues and Schubert's impromptus...
Ensemble Alia Mens – March 29, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 20, 2019 1818 ENSEMBLE ALIA MENS Only a small number of concertos by Bach have survived. Originally composed for the court of Anhalt-Köthen around 1720, thankfully several of them were repurposed for weekly concerts Bach or...
South America according to the OSM – February 23, Maison Symphonique LiveEvents February 16, 2019 1330 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal presents South America according to the OSM This concert, directed by Kent Nagano, covers a rich and eclectic assortment of times and places. After dance suites by Ravel and ...
I MUSICI – Bach Magnificat – December 22-23, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents December 16, 2018 2481 I MUSICI DE MONTRÉAL presents Bach Magnificat The Arte Musica Foundation continues its complete concert presentation of the sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach, one of the world’s most universally admired composers...
Internationally acclaimed Julie Boulianne to perform with McGill Chamber Orchestra The Montrealer November 24, 2018 3395 Internationally acclaimed Julie Boulianne to perform with McGill Chamber Orchestra on November 27, as part of the Montreal Bach Festival Program includes Vivaldi, Bach, and a World Premiere by Barbara Croall ...
Gilles Cantagrel – November 28, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents November 20, 2018 1640 GILLES CANTAGREL - CANTATE, QUE ME VEUX-TU ? All About Bach Cantatas Often overlooked until about half a century ago, Bach’s cantatas have since been re-established in their broad appeal. But when, how, and...
Orchestre Symphonique de Laval – November 25, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents November 19, 2018 1666 ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE DE LAVAL The Arte Musica Foundation continues its complete concert presentation of the sacred cantatas of J. S. Bach, one of the world’s most universally admired composers. In keeping wit...
Jean-Guihen Queyras Plays Bach – November 6-7, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents October 30, 2018 2226 JEAN-GUIHEN QUEYRAS PLAYS BACH The repertoire for solo cello is relatively limited, and at its apex certainly lies Bach's six Suites. Their sequence of movements follows period dance conventions, and Bach expl...
Jorge Jimenez and Fabio Bonizzoni – October 31, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents October 23, 2018 2213 JORGE JIMENEZ AND FABIO BONIZZONI Violin and the harpsichord come together in the sublime sonatas of J.S. Bach. Despite their differences, historically he two instruments and their respective repertoires were ...