P.F. Chang’s

P.F. Chang’s an experience like no other

Restaurant Rap P.F. Chang’s locales on Décarie and in Laval offer an experience like no other Long before Montreal got its first P.F. Chang’s restaurant, I was a huge fan of the global chain. I would always s...
Lynn MacNeil Financial-Planner

Are you getting what you pay for?

Managing Your Money In the past few months, you may have seen mention of CRM2 either on your investment statements, or in the newspaper.  It may not be the most exciting topic, but if you have investments, i...

Escape Earth’s Gravity and Travel to Mars

Escape Earth’s Gravity and Travel to Mars At the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium Since the dawn of humankind, we have stared up into the night sky and pondered its endless mysteries. The ancients played connect-t...
Linda Hammerschmid

Why Sometimes Winning is Losing

As we now know in 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 decision, pronounced that all “gay” couples in the U.S. have obtained the right to be equal under the law to marry, thereby enshrining the same spousa...