Les Canadiennes to support the MUHC Foundation Enchantée Gala to benefit breast cancer research Kristina Anastasopoulos September 29, 2017 5168 Les Canadiennes A winning organization on and off the ice Les Canadiennes are leaders. Four-time winners of the Canadian Women’s Hockey League championship Clarkson Cup, this Montreal professional female hock...
Alternative Investing: Private Equity Simplified Lynn MacNeil September 28, 2017 3933 Managing Your Money A few weeks ago I received a text message from a friend (and client) who was in Florida. Our conversation went something like this: Him: Is ‘Chick-Fil-A' listed on the stock market? ...
Polygamy only works… linda.hammerschmid September 24, 2017 3708 Ask the Hammer …if you are filing your income tax returns and have both a new spouse and a former spouse (or 2) to whom you pay support. Otherwise, not so much as a recent Court Judgment has determined. ...
Peter McAuslan celebrates his Order of Canada with friends and family Peter Kerr September 23, 2017 5968 Peter McAuslan Peter McAuslan and Ellen Bounsell recently hosted a reception at The Annexe, adjacent to the McAuslan Brewery that the couple started in the building that now houses The Annexe Pub. True to ...
Christina Smith brings corporate and public experience to her run for Mayor of Westmount Peter Kerr September 20, 2017 11531 Christina Smith Christina Smith possesses a rare mixture of business acumen and public affairs experience based on her work with the Coca Cola Bottling Company and in the Federal Government as a Legislative As...
Chef on Call seizes upon unique concept in food delivery and in-house dining mikecohen September 2, 2017 10421 Chef on Call In 2009 Robert Kauffman and a friend had a novel idea: prepare meals out of a small kitchen in their student apartment and see if they’d get any customers. The key target market was students. “...
When someone you care about needs money: Helping may not always be “helping” Lynn MacNeil August 28, 2017 5028 Managing Your Money You worked hard. Planned your retirement perfectly. Saved diligently. Considered the "what ifs", and now you're kicking back enjoying that long deserved retirement, when low and behold, s...
To whom go the spoils? linda.hammerschmid August 24, 2017 4421 Ask the Hammer Sometime ago I wrote an article about Wills (November 2014). Due to recent stories in the news, or from callers-in to Dr. Laurie Betito’s “Passion” radio show, further examination of the is...
World Press Photos 2017 – August 30 to October 1, Bonsecours Market LiveEvents August 23, 2017 4546 World Press Photos 2017 The 12th edition of Montreal’s World Press Photo takes place from August 30st to October 1st, 2017, at the Bonsecours Market (Old Montreal). The event will showcase the photography f...
Expo 67: A world of dreams – until October 8, Stewart Museum LiveEvents August 22, 2017 2673 Expo 67: A world of dreams To mark the 375th anniversary of Montreal and the 50th anniversary of Expo 67, the Museum will present this new exhibition which draws on the technological innovations featured at th...